There are 21 GAFPA foster families with 66 children & teens. Our goal is to get every child 4 to 5 things off of their wish lists and gift cards for the foster parents to show them appreciation for all they do!

Each gift under this tree represents each family. As each wishlist is sponsored, their gift will be in color. You can donate now to the Foster Family Christmas Fund in the link above. Thank you so much for your generous support!

We are asked all the time, “How can we help?”If you’re asking that now, here’s the answer:

GAFPA foster families pour out their lives to take care of the foster children in the Amarillo area. This means they are constantly giving their time, energy and personal resources to take care of their daily needs. The average GAFPA foster family takes in 6 children at one time. There are 21 GAFPA foster families in Amarillo. They have picked out 4 or 5 things per child in their family’s Amazon wish list. As an organization, we would like to show our support and appreciation for all they do. Any help you can give to reach this goal would be greatly appreciated!

We would like to give the families their gifts at our annual Christmas gathering, so we need to have all donations in by 12/5/23. This would give us time to go out and buy all of the items on the wishlists. Please reach out to us with any questions or if you would like to donate a gift card or products from your business to give to the families. gafpatx@gmail.com

Thank you so much for your generous support!

The GAFPA Board